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Iron Fish: Institutional Report

3 min readResearch

Iron Fish: Abbreviated Introduction

Some believe that privacy should be a human right. One such project advocating in favor of privacy is Iron Fish. It is a decentralized, proof-of-work (PoW) based, censorship-resistant, and publicly accessible blockchain project.

The project strives to enable everyone to secure confidentiality irrespective of their technical skills. Additionally, the project seeks to be regulatory compliant with a set of view keys associated with every account. At the moment, Iron Fish’s ecosystem consists of:

  • The Incentivized Testnet
  • The networking layer
  • The Gossip Protocol
  • The storage layer
  • The IRON token
  • Nodes
  • Miners
  • Wallet
  • The verification layer

The network’s native token, $IRON, is a utility token mainly offering a mechanism for payments. The total token supply of $IRON is finite, and the block subsidy formula is embedded into the network’s code.

The project is located in the United States, a country with the most significant number of crypto investors, trading platforms, exchanges, investment funds, and crypto mining firms.

Its team members have a solid technical background, having gained experience working at well-known tech companies. A group of notable investors financially backs the project.

The project’s incentivized testnet is live, and the mainnet is yet to be announced. The testnet shows to be running smoothly

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