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Panoptic: Institutional Report

3 min readResearch

Panoptic: Abbreviated Introduction

Options are a crucial component of any sound financial system, whether decentralized or conventional finance. The trading in options for digital assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum has been growing rapidly on centralized exchanges like Deribit. Decentralized options protocols have also been gaining wide acceptance of late, with over 40 such protocols currently in operation, and the biggest one having a Total Value Locked (TVL) of more than $50 million.

The Panoptic protocol, which will be released on Ethereum and will be based on the Uniswap v3 automated market maker, seeks to make options trading of any digital asset completely decentralized and open to all in a permissionless way. 

According to the project, some distinguishing features set it apart from the competition, such as oracle-less Black-Scholes pricing, the separation of trading fees from liquidity provider rewards, and the fact that options can be traded without requiring any permissions.

Panoptic is a spin-off project from Advanced Blockchain AG, a venture builder, and blockchain investor. 

The team behind the project is comprised of three people who display strong technical knowledge, and the project has attracted the attention of multiple investors.

The planned release of Panoptic on the Testnet is scheduled for the first quarter of 2023, when different types of users can access and trial the platform.


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