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Shutter Network: Institutional Report

3 min readResearch

Shutter Network: Abbreviated Introduction

Some parties recognize the maximal extractable value (MEV) and front running as the final unsolved fundamental issues in the blockchain space. In Ethereum, MEV activities have been estimated to have earned up to $133 million in 2022.

Shutter Network is a project developed to combat frontrunning for opt-in contracts. Shutter integrates threshold cryptography to encrypt and decrypt user transactions, enabling them to bypass MEV and Front Running. The development team’s ambition is to build a decentralized, efficient solution without having to modify the base layer – to create an effective way of bypassing the MEV and frontrunning issues.

The main and Tendermint-based chains are two major components of the Shutter Network. Shutter Network also has its own decentralized autonomous organization at the core of the Shutter architecture.

Brainbot Technologies, the contributor to the Shutter Network, has its home base in Germany, considered by some to be the blockchain capital of Europe. The company has built a highly skilled team and also benefits from the experienced Advisor on the board.

The first Alpha version, deployed on Ethereum’s Goerli Testnet, was released on April 8, 2021. Regarding current activities, the project has started to gather keypers, a set of special nodes, and those wishing to become keypers can contact the project.

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