RISC Zero: Abbreviated Introduction
RISC Zero is a start-up aiming to make distributed applications more secure and trustworthy. Integrating the Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology, its RISC Zero Virtual Machine would allow applications that usually require a centralized trusted third party to become decentralized. This is a major leap in the resilience and economics of operating the computing infrastructure.
The project’s team aims to create an interoperable blockchain that could be deployed as a Layer-2 solution on top of multiple other Layer-1 blockchains, including Ethereum and maybe even Bitcoin.
The project’s Devnet will be running on Tendermint consensus, though the team might extend to use a variant of Proof of Necessary Work in the future. Tendermint is a blockchain protocol utilized to launch and replicate blockchain applications. A blockchain consensus engine is one its key building blocks. It ensures that transactions are recorded in the correct order.
RISC Zero is incorporated in Delaware, a state favourable for blockchain projects. The team has diverse technical skill sets, and many investors support the project.
RISC Zero says it has several options for the roll-out of its products in the future. According to the team, in 2023 Q2, it could be ready to accommodate multiple smaller node operators. However, a roadmap is yet to be published.
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