Our mission to further the development of the blockchain space keeps moving forward!
This 2020, we started the year by launching our MVP: The first couple of reports generated by a distributed team of researchers using the D-CORE platform and methodology were a statement to showcase the vision behind this project. Since, and in the spirit of continuing to educate the financial industry about the importance of investing in Decentralised Ledger Technologies, we have continued to expand our reach, from social media to articles and now, the Blockchain People podcast.
This week, however, we’re taking it one step further.
As you read in the title of this article, we’re making every report that we have generated so far freely available to the public.
But, why are we doing this?
2020 has been a year of unexpected changes and developments, both for individuals and companies. In the midst of it, we’ve also seen a ray of light in the launch of Ethereum 2.0, the rise of DeFi, and, of course, Bitcoin back near historic heights. With our aims set at helping the DLT (and in particular, blockchain) space develop further, it only makes sense to go as far as possible in this mission, adapting to the current context.
We hope that, through the ready and free availability of these reports for individuals and institutions everywhere, we can help funnel the necessary capital to the right projects to continue their growth and development.
Accessing the Asset Review Reports

To access the Asset Review Reports (which, as you know, are generated by a distributed team of researchers around the world using a proprietary methodology), simply either:
- Go to https://d-core.net/research/ and download the ones you’re the most interested in, or;
- Sign up through a free account at https://d-core.net/. Being a platform user allows you to access exclusive content, such as news and online reading of reports without downloading any files. The platform will eventually also let you see the allocations of the D-Core blockchain fund to know how we choose to invest in the crypto market.